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Dear Sufi Trail friend ,

Welcome to 2020 a brand new year with brand new plans. We look back to 2019 the Sufi year gone by. 
The BBC already met our Sufi kids hikers on the Sultans Trail while recording their trilogy of pilgrimages in Europe. Documentaries, series and movies are more and more focused on this life-changing adventures people undergo. They can change your perspective of the world just by hiking and meeting people on your way.   
There is a transition in our solar system that we often see as periods that are holy and sacred. It's the time of year when the light returns to middle earth. Let's bundle our lights and join our hiking and biking caravans to Mevlana Rumi.

Sedat & Iris

Items January edition

2019 Year review

What was done
We organized hiking and cycling events and made new Sufi friends

Here are the Sufi Trail Parandeh's of 2019 who reached Konya:

Leah Capezio (USA)
Joe Lobeck (USA)
Alberto Senna (Brazil)
Ludo Vande Woestyne (Belgium)
Elisabeth Norz (Austria)
Johannes Norz (Austria)
Susan Elliott (England)
Davide Travelli (Italy)
Marijke de Bruijn (Netherlands)
Kees van Boxtel (Netherlands)
Karel de Groot (Netherlands)
Tom Schimmel (Netherlands, Bike)
Charlène Maillard (Switzerland, Tandem)
Yann Salquin (Switzerland, Tandem)
David Jury (England)
Audrey Pouillon (France)
Konrad Weberling (Germany)

Sufi events:
  • Marking event in Yalova,
  • Cycling with Güneş Öztürk: Istanbul - Bilecik
  • Sufi Music from Emirdağ - Konya
  • Marking Yalova - Iznik with Bram Schouten

In Development:
Stamping posts and official signposting,
Development for the cycling and hiking caravan 2020
Bike sticker for marking
Handmade Sufi Trail tiles
Artist Linda Pijl makes the Sufi gift stones,
Development of the Sufi on Bike guidebook

Sufi Trail's new partnerships:
Ahmet Yiğit (Yalova manager),
Cem Balsun Istanbul on BikeBisikletliler Derneği, Chevrel Traher & Alen Green Forest Gardens,
Cultural Routes Society, Emirhan café,
Anar Journeys, Jerusalem Way & Linda Pijl
  • We attend yearly Trade fares about hiking and cycling In Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • This year we also had readings about pilgrimages and trail making, safety for solo travellers and more...
  • Six times a year we hike together with a group in Heiloo, the Netherlands to visit three sacred sources.

2020 Plans

Publications on the way:
Sufi on Bike | Cycle to the light

2020 Sufi events

18 - 28 March 2020 Marking Trip 
Sufi Trail & Jerusalem Way | from Akşehir to Konya

Starts 3rd June | Ends 14th July 2020
Join date is optional |Sufi Hike Caravan

Special opportunity to hike with the creators of the Sufi Trail.

4 - 20 September 2020 Sufi Bike Caravan to Rumi
Join us together with a Frank van Rijn a famous world cyclist and author to cycle to Konya, we will be camping mostly but the luggage will be transported.

Marking trip Jerusalem way
Sufi Trail hiking caravan
Sufi Trail bike caravan

Sufi kids Jerusalem

Sufi kids story and blog

via the Sufi Trail

We walked already before we started the Sufi Trail on some other Paths, but we felt almost immediately a huge difference, it started as we met Iris and Sedat and continued during the following weeks. There is no better word then 'Spirit' to describe this feeling. more 

Your story wins!


Now that we have the December month behind us and with all good intentions entering the new year, we want to give you the chance to be the first to have the new Sufi Trail bicycle guide in your hands. Whether you want to cycle it this year, if you ever plan to find it, or if you think it is a nice collector's item, you can now win a free book.

What should you do?
Write to us why you would like this book and enclose your details:

The 'Sufi on Biike' guide is currently being written and is expected in March 2020. The winner will be announced in the next newsletter

2020 Spring

Sufi Trail & Jerusalem Way
from Akşehir to Konya

The Sufi Trail aims to properly mark the hiking route and is intended as a journey of discovery. The GPX and sleeping and eating addresses are known per day. We will mainly stay in small hotels and home-stay accommodation. The luggage is transported per day. The lunch costs are exclusive but it is always possible to organize a package per day.

Marking trip with Jerusalem way

Jerusalem Way

For vegetarians, there is plenty of alternatives. For other dietary requirements, we will organize as much as possible in advance – please indicate on our registration form – it will be more complicated for vegans.
The daily distances will be around 20 km per day.

The Anar Journey to Iran | 2-13 April 2020

Our first Anar Journey in Iran will take you to Khorasan, a region known to be the cradle of Sufism and part of the ancient Silk Road. It was in this area - the crossroads of Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan - that Rumi was born. Many other enlightened beings lived, taught and composed poetry in those lands, acting as forces of wisdom for many centuries. Their heritage continues to illuminate people’s lives today. Iran’s Khorasan region is a place different from any other. It still has an “ancient” taste to it. You can still find dervishes living in the seclusion of the mountains, master musicians playing the dotâr, an old Khorasani lute, and shrines that have retained the power of centuries of prayers.
This journey will take you into the depths of Iran’s spirituality that lies hidden beneath the surface of its societal and political complexities.

You can contact Anar journeys if you have more questions:

Hike & Bike Events

Sufi Trail organizes events on the Sufi Trail. This year we have a spring, summer and autumn event. If you like to join us you can get more information with these links. For all events, we give a discount for early sign up's

You can call & app us on:
+31 6 440 447 90


Summer Hike Caravan 2020

Autumn Bike Caravan 2020


Published by Sufi Trail:
Sufi Trail hike guide part 1 (English)
Sufi Trail hike guide part 2 (English)
Sufi Trail hike guide (Turkish)
Bella Coma - Natalia Mihai (English)

Expected Books:
Sufi Trail on Bike (English)
Leegte - Merel van Essen (Dutch)

Check out our shop for more 

Your Sufi Story

We love to hear your Sufi Trail story for the next newsletter. You can also send your Sufi (trail) related message or story. Keep in short. 300 words maximum and send it to
And yes we love pictures and video's ❤

We hope that you like the work of Sufi Trail. You may also consider making a donation to the Sufi Trail foundation.


Stichting Sufi Trail, Friends of Rumi and Khorasan Saints
Hagestraat 10
2011 CV Haarlem


Whatsapp & mobile:
Sedat Çakır:  +31 6 508 906 96
Iris Bezuijen: +31 6 440 447 90

Konrad Weberling & Audrey Pouillon

Sufi Trail

Website Turkish
Website NL
Website Engels
❤ S u p p o r t S u f i T r a i l ❤