New publication, Call for Paper, Tactical Visual Culture events, and much more ...
INC Newsletter November 2020 In this newsletter, you can find our latest publications together with call for proposal for the upcoming INC Reader # 15 on Critical Meme Research. Last but not least, we announce a new event of the research project "Tactical Visual Culture" in collaboration with Visual Methodologies Collective! Scroll down for more ...
SAVE THE DATE: Interfacing Amsterdam's Colonial Histories Date / Time: Mon, 7 Dec 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm (with breaks) Location: Please, Etherpad & Google SlidesDuring this workshop, we ideate and explore tactics to turn iconic buildings into visual gateways that address Amsterdam's stakes in historical trade routes and slavery. By appropriating physical and digital access points and interfaces, we turn them into potential tactical tools to highlight our city's problematic past. Using fast prototyping techniques we will test out ideas and reflect on the aesthetics of such strategies, their ethical implications and possible impact. Feminist researcher and curator Chandra Frank will start off the workshop with a talk on the intersections of archives, waterways, gender, sexuality and race, and will join us in reflecting on the workshop outcomes. More information here!
Call for Proposals: INC Reader # 15 - Critical Meme Research We invite authors from a variety of disciplinary and cultural backgrounds to Contribute Manifestors, essays, interviews, fictions, artworks and other speculative interventions in our understanding of what memes are, or will be, in the process of becoming. INC Reader # 15 - Critical Meme Research will be edited by Chloë Arkenbout, Jack Wilson and Daniel de Zeeuw. Proposals / abstracts should be around 300-500 words. Send these to criticalmemereader [at] by December 16, 2020. Final texts should be 500-5000 words and submitted by March 10, 2021. Call: call-for-proposals-inc-reader-15-critical-meme-research /
Tactical Visual Culture x The Hmm: Video Report To kick off our new research project Tactical Visual Culture, we partnered up with The HMM for a special event. For our first theme 'Video Witnessing' we invited 8 speakers, including researchers, artists, performers, and viral TikTok creators, to share their vision on what the state of online video is, on the 19th of October, 2020. Watch the video report here:
TOD 38: Satellite Lifelines: Media, Art, Migration and the Crisis of Hospitality in Divided Cit By Isabel Löfgren Hospitality is central to the question of political frontiers where admittance and refusal across state borders may be a matter of life or death, and also touches on the fundamental ethical question of the boundaries of the human, the constitution of the subject, how and why we set these up, and ways in which we can attempt to bring them down. A majority of migrants today now seek refuge in cities rather than in camps, prompting us to rethink urban space to accommodate newcomers more long-term. Who has the right to belong? And on what terms?