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Dear Sufi Trail friend ,

Ready for a sober and cleansing time to come, Ramadan starts with a beautiful diary by Marian Brehmer and a documentary to come by a lovely young team of artists. We're in a dance and we dance dance dance until we only feel the feathers of the birds flapping above us. As the end of the pandemic is nearing we notice that many of us are gearing up to move for their next hike or cycling adventure. We will extend more about travelling in Turkey in our next newsletter.

Sedat & Iris

Sufi Trail

Items edition no.4

  • Diary of a Cycling Dervish
  • Documentary on the Sufi Trail
  • Sara Kuehn Sufi Visuals
  • Agenda

Diary of a Cycling Dervish

After a gathering from all over the world where people got up early and stayed up late to listen to Marian Brehmers cycling Sufi story. Marian cycled the Sufi Trail in the middle of a pandemic and wrote a book about the experiences. Together we listened with people from all over the world and were touched by the sounds of musicians online. Even Though it’s such a big transition from being together in real life compared to all the digital readings, meetings and sharing the feeling of being with each and sharing seems to be taken care of by the holy internet. And also if you missed this not to worry anymore you can still enjoy the reading here and listen to the beautiful sounds of Sufi Trail parandehs. For those who are interested in reading the whole book with Marians Brehmers stories from the road and 52 photos, you may get your copy here 

Documentary on the Sufi Trail

Not long ago we received a phone call from Abdulshakoor Alaqad, a young and vibrant man telling us about his plan to make a documentary with a Sufi dancer and combining this with the Sufi Trail. We got excited together and before we knew it little by little the veal was revealed and we learned no one less than Alper Akçay was the Sufi dancer and hiker in this documentary. Now we were super excited and had to keep the news quiet. This was very hard as we were full of joy. Not long after they pulled together a film crew and were shooting on the Sufi Trail. The news spread like wildfire, and all our Sufi friends were being the warm and loving people, as they are. Also the newspapers placed articles about the remarkable crew of nationalities as they are from Palestine, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Syria and Turkey.

It’s not every day you meet a famous artist on the Sufi Trail. Alper Akçay has such a loving way of performing the Sufi dance that you get mesmerized just by looking. We hold our breaths with all the work the crew still has to do while we speak. I now understand why you see such long credits for even just a 3 minutes film. For now we are closing our eyes, thinking of the crew below who deserve all the credits and sending them love and energy to work on their exciting documentary. ❤         

Director: Abdulshakoor Alaqad

Producer: Omar Fartass

Production coordinator: Mohammed Abu Shawish 

Sound Operator: Mouaz Jasny

Editor: Otbah Kilani and Mouaz Jasny

Camera man: Ahmad atrabolsi and Ezz Al Zanoon
Turkish news items about the documentary

Sara Kuehn - Sufi Visuals

SufiVisual aims to explore the religious visual culture of ‘mystical’ Islam, or Sufism, in France and in Germany by identifying the ways in which visual culture actively constructs and shapes religious concepts and impacts our understanding of Islam. This endeavour is premised on the assumption that Sufi visualisations of belief and piety involve a common conceptual vocabulary, a shared ‘text’ around which ‘interpretative communities’ of differing social, religious and political outlooks have evolved, thereby forming a kind of visual lingua franca in the widest sense. What role then do vision and the image play in the pious behaviour and imagination of contemporary Sufi orders?

The study follows a gender-sensitive reading of Sufi visual culture, paying particular attention to the role of gender imagery and symbolism, especially the feminine element, its interrelation with gender differentiation and construction from a comparative perspective. SufiVisual will produce pioneering work on gender-specific Sufi visual culture and contribute important scientific data, allowing a more open-ended and gender-balanced understanding of the visualisations of belief and piety in Sufi orders. This analysis of Sufi visual expression in the context of mystical Islam in Western Europe will also serve more generally as a bridge between ‘East and West’, exploring the roles of visual culture and religious practice as counter movements to religious fundamentalism and driving forces for religious pluralism.

The topic is timely and important because (1) questions relating to vision and visualisation inform, and often complicate, intercultural encounters as well as inner-Muslim debates over the alleged prohibition of figural imagery in Islam; (2) the project will address the wider problématique of Islam’s alleged denigration of vision undermining its ability to modernize; and (3) the ways in which visual culture negotiates meaning with regard to aspects of religious and mystic imagery marked by new patterns of engagement with both tradition (‘routinisation’) and modernity.

The interdisciplinary project approaches the study of Sufi visual culture through anthropology, ethnography, religious studies, especially aesthetics, gender studies, and art history, and considering both emic (‘insider’) insights and etic (‘outsider’) analysis, in order to assess the data from both subjective and objective perspectives.

Sufi on Bike

Ready to prepare your cycling journey on the Sufi Trail? We are very happy to offer the cycling guide with all the information you need to cycle from Istanbul to Konya visiting the ever-changing landscape of Anatolian Turkey. Get ready to Cycle to the light

Hike & Bike Events

Sufi Trail organizes hiking and cycling events on the Sufi Trail. They are events to promote slow travel and camp outside under the stars in Anatolia, Turkey.  
If you have questions you can call & app us on: +31 6 440 447 90


Turkey 2021:

Sufi Trail hiking caravan
10 May - 19 June * Cancelled

Sufi Trail biking caravan
10 - 26 September
Sufi marking trip
1 - 16 October


Published by Sufi Trail:
Sufi Trail hike guide part 1 (English)
Sufi Trail hike guide part 2 (English)
Sufi Trail hike guide (Turkish)
Sufi on Bike (English)
Bella Coma - Natalia Mihai (English) Via Amazon CA
Bella Coma - Natalia Mihai (English) ın Europe
Leegte - Merel van Essen (Dutch)

 Sufi Trail app in Hiiker

Expected Books:
Hiking the Sufi Trail in Turkey - Susan Elliott (English)

Check out our shop for more 

Your Sufi Story

We love to hear your Sufi Trail story for the next newsletter. You can also send your Sufi (trail) related message or story. Keep it short. 300 words maximum and send it to
And yes we love pictures and video's ❤

We hope that you like the work of Sufi Trail. You may also consider making a donation to the Sufi Trail foundation.


Stichting Sufi Trail, Friends of Rumi and Khorasan Saints
Hagestraat 10
2011 CV Haarlem


Whatsapp & mobile:
Sedat Çakır:  +31 6 508 906 96
Iris Bezuijen: +31 6 440 447 90

Editor: Iris Bezuijen
Contributions: Alper Akçay, Marian Brehmer

Sufi Trail

Website Turkish
Website NL
Website Engels
❤ S u p p o r t S u f i T r a i l ❤