New publications, Tactical Visual Culture events, and much more ...
SAVE THE DATE: Desktop Narrative Workshop November 3rd Online On the 3rd of November, Albert Figurt, an Italian artisan video, multi-instrumentalist and independent researcher and VideoVortex member, gives a practical introduction to the art and craft of the desktop narrative: in the span of one afternoon, you will learn about the insights and workflow of screencast storytelling; the art of creating without necessarily using (professional) cameras, (conventional) editing or an (additional) sound-track. Will the results of this interplay be up-to-date video-art, meta-fictional madness, covid-inspired indie commentary, frame-within-frame mind games or artsy film-making? Let's discover it together, by carving a desktop narrative out of your own laptop! More information here!
New Project - Tactical Visual Culture With Tactical Visual Culture, Visual Methodologies Collective and the Institute of Network Cultures investigate new visual tools at the crossroads of artistic research, journalism, and data visualization. We explore what tactical visual culture is or could be through three main themes: video witnessing, emotive images, data and feminism. Website:
Preface of the Chinese translation of Social Media Abyss (Geert Lovink, 2016) Geert is proud to announce the publication of my first Chinese translation: Social Media Abyss from 2016, originally published in English by Polity Press, with other translations in Italian, German, Russian, and Spanish. The book is published by the Institute of Network Society, which is part of the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. We would like to thank Huang SunQuan, director of the Institute of Network Society, for all his efforts to realize this publication. More on the book and how to order it you can find here:
TOD 37: From Opinions to Images: Essays Towards a Sociology of Affects By Ulus S. Baker Edited by: Aras Özgün and Andreas Treske Ulus Baker's first extensive translation to English provides us with a much-needed intervention for re-imagining social thought and visual media, at a time when sociology tends to be reduced to an analysis of 'big data', and the pedagogical powers of the image are reduced to data visualization and infographics.
Diary of a Stylist Edited by: Maisa Imamović In 2019 Maisa started the job of an e-commerce stylist. Each working day she enters the warehouse at 8:34 AM. When inside, the first thing Maisa does is walk to the clocking-in station where an iPad asks to enter her clocking-in code. An iPad greets her happily: "Hello Maisa, welcome to your styling shift from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm." She smiles out of surprise that the device refers to her by her first name and not by the digits of Maisa's digital existence.
Feminist Finance Syllabus Amateur Cities and Institute of Network Cultures are proud to present Feminist Finance Syllabus, a supplement to the Feminist Finance Zine titled Radical Care: Embracing Feminist Finance. It is a result of the Twitter conversations that took place during three launch events of the zine between April and May 2020. Https://
Pulling the Virtual Wool over Your Eyes: An Essay on Virtual Fashion and Control
By Tom Robertson The last five years has seen the fashion industry express significant interest in the possibilities arising from the integration of cloud-based software in the design process. This software, like CLO Virtual Fashion Inc.'s 'CLO', allows designers to cut, sew, drape and simulate garments digitally, present them in a virtual environment and produce them on demand afterwards. This essay will take a moment to question the rosy mist of opportunity associated with this transitional time - assessing at what is at stake other than a departure from the currently broken industry.