
Announcements Newsletter

Event calendar


March 14, 2024, 15:00 - 19:00

Tactical Video (T.V.) is a hybrid event and publication series by THE VOID, a practice-based research project of the INC.

This second broadcast will be about girly things: sad girls, silly girls, girlbrain, coquette, femcels, kawaii militarization, and girlbosses. Moderated by Chloë Arkenbout, featuring interviews and discussions with Mariana Fernández, Lisa Federmesser, Noura Tefeche, Jade Poolen, Mela Miekus, and Mita Medri on how THE GIRL has taken over the internet. Morgane Billuart, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), UKRAiNATV and dj Power Switch are also part of the program. 

Find the full program here.
And join the live stream here.

Breaking the Meme: Critical Meme Reader III launch

May 17, 2024, 17:00 - 19:00

Join us for the launch of Critical Meme Reader III: Breaking the Meme, edited by Chloë Arkenbout and Idil Galip, on May 17th at Spui25. 

When you want to say something about memes, it is impossible to escape having to situate them. What usually happens is that meme makers and thinkers fall back on two definitions: Dawkins (1976), Shifman (2014). How can memes be defined beyond their work in a way that is better suited to our current time? Building on this work – yes of course – but in a way that leaves space for the meme to breathe. Honoring its transgressive everchanging nature, instead of limiting it into a static framework it never chose to be in in the first place. The goal of Critical Meme Reader III is to break its definition open with different visions, and to keep it open –  letting the meme choose for itself what it wants to stay, be and become. 

Program and registration: here

INC Telegram channel

We invite you to join our Telegram channel,  a place where we can connect through collaborative conversations, livestreams and the sharing of our latest publications such as books, zines, articles, videos, events and much more. Click here to subscribe.
INC Telegram Channel

New Publications

Girlbrain: a Theory 
Jess Henderson
INC Longform

Read  HERE 
Silly Girl Theory: Scrolling the Digital Playgrounds
Mela Miekus & Mitra Medri
INC Longform

Read  HERE 
The Planalto Riots: Making and Unmaking a Failed Coup in Brazil
Edited by Lou Caffagni, Isabel Löfgren, Gizele Ma
Theory on Demand #51

Read  HERE 
The Deep Mellow Valley
By Silvia Dal Dasso
INC Longform

Read and Order  HERE 
Semiotics of the End: On Capitalism and the Apocalypse
By Alessandro Sbordoni
Network Notion #1

Read  HERE 
Resisting Data Colonialism: A Practical Intervention
By The Tierra Común Network
Theory on Demand #50

Read  HERE 

You can currently order a free print copy of the following INC publications:
  • Semiotics of the End: On Capitalism and the Apocalypse, by Alessandro Sbordoni
  • Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field, edited by Sepp Eckenhaussen, Senka Milutinović, and Carolina Valente Pinto
Order HERE 
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Interinterface: Why Affective Interfaces are Spatial Machinery, and How They Normalize and Siscipline Queer Identities
​​​​​By Ivan Netkachev & Roman Solodkov

Read  HERE

Copium Compendium: How Do You Cope in this Digital Age of Disaster?
By Geert Lovink

Read  HERE