INC is proud to present to you Geert Lovink's new book:
Stuck on the Platform, Reclaiming the Internet. The book is published in five languages, English (Valiz), Spanish (Holobionte Ediciones), followed in August by German (Transcript Verlag), then Italian (Nero) and Turkish (İletişim). The original English edition, published by Valiz (Amsterdam) can be ordered now and found in bookstores. More info
here. The global book launch is in Bologna on May 6, 2022, 6pm, via Pietralata 58.
The blurb:We’re all trapped. No matter how hard you try to delete apps from your phone, the power of seduction draws you back. Doom scrolling is the new normal of a 24/7 online life. What happens when your home office starts to feel like a call center and you’re too fried to log out of Facebook? We’re addicted to large-scale platforms, unable to return to the frivolous age of decentralized networks. How do we make sense of the rising disaffection with the platform condition?
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